Tim Riester Provided 3TV with His Annual Assessment of Advertising for Super Bowl LVII

RIESTER’s Founder and CEO, Tim Riester, joined Good Morning Arizona anchors Tess Rafols and Colton Shone, on 3TV, for a live interview and conversation around Super Bowl LVII ads. In the interview, Tim shared his analysis of the best and worst commercials and trends.

Although the Super Bowl was once again filled with commercials featuring celebrities, Tim felt most of those ads lacked original ideas and benefits for the advertisers. Instead, Tim preferred commercials featuring a genuine and well produced storyline that could connect emotionally with viewers. As examples, Tim believed The Farmer’s Dog story about a young girl coming of age with her chocolate labrador retriever, and Kia’s story about a father tasked with retrieving his baby’s lost binky were the top winners of this year’s Super Bowl. He also thought Tubi’s “Rabbit Hole” commercial was very original and imaginative, and SquareSpace’ ad featuring Adam Driver was among the few ads featuring celebrities that was successful in promoting the advertiser’s product.   

Tim’s list of worst Super Bowl commercials included Pringles, for simply reusing its’ same ad idea from last year’s Super Bowl where the potato chip container is “Stuck on You,” and M&Ms for admirably attempting to address its diversification of the M&M characters, only to horribly confuse viewers with its commercial promoting “Ma-Ya clam-filled candies.”    

In all, Tim’s final assessment was that the Super Bowl audience of the 208 million diverse viewers is the largest watched live TV event of the year, and Super Bowl LVII did the best job in history of respecting and reflecting that diversity both in NFL and Fox’ production of the event and among the advertising.