Chronic Disease Treatment - Pride

Gilead Sciences asked RIESTER to develop a treatment initiation campaign to engage HIV patients at Pride events all across the nation. It was a grassroots effort that was designed to inform the audience about new treatment guidelines and motivate them to get tested. From the booth to the water bottles to the condom packages, RIESTER created an experience that consistently branded Gilead and energized the nation’s HIV population.

Image of Redefine HIV print ad

RIESTER used powerful imagery to encourage members of the community to redefine HIV by taking pride in self-empowerment and getting tested.

Redefining HIV means confronting the stigma around the disease so as not to lose sight of the wonderful human beings affected by it. And those affected by it aren’t just the individuals with the disease, it’s also all those who love them. Instead of partitioning a population off, RIESTER’s site redefines HIV as something that affects all of humanity, not just one human at a time.

Gilead partnered with a co-pay assistance program to make sure new HIV medicines were accessible and affordable, particularly to people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. RIESTER designed these boxes to distribute information about treatment, affordability options, and important FDA guidelines in clinics and doctors’ offices.